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About Lunar Resources Public Registry UG
Lunar Resources Registry was founded by Simon Drake and Kevin Mac Gowan in 2019 in Germany. They are both directors of Space Ventures Investors Ltd, and saw the market opportunity for a Lunar Resources business that address key fundamentals (see below).
From 9th February 2021 to 9th February 2023 Lunar Resources Registry UG participated in the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre in Germany.

Lunar Resources Public Registry (LRR) is a transparent registry of Human activity on the Moon (past, present and in the near future), and commercial and non-commercial zones for resources exploration and extraction, including the registration of locations and zones for space agencies, science, commercial, infrastructure, cultural and strategic purposes, on the Lunar surface.
The function of the Lunar Resources Registry is to be an authoritative registry, and offer an Open Lunar Registry as a transparent platform to manage ongoing activities on the Moon by allowing international Clients to register their past and planned activities.
This Registry is also a registry of space agency and inter-governmental objectives, including science and non-profit claims, plus commercial and non-commercial zones for resources exploration and extraction.
Fundamentals of Lunar Resources Registry UG
LRR was founded to address key fundamentals:
- Space Resources as an industry is evolving, and a definite starting-point is the Moon.
- The legalities of resources extraction in space provides a “space is for everyone but no-one” framework yet specific countries are creating laws to respect commercial extraction and trade of space resources, e.g. Artemis Accords
- Space Agencies have limited mandates for space resources exploration and extraction.
- Commercial Entities require business plans based on realistic objectives that fit into existing space laws (e.g. navigating the right to ownership of a space resource).
- The Moon requires a transparent register of commercial activity, and a marketplace for exploration and extraction operations.
- A Lunar Resources Registration, while a commercial intention and service, requires an actual Mission, hence the establishment of Registrations as basis for potential Missions.
Open Lunar Registry: We automatically Register Space Agency, Research and Logistics Landers, Rovers and Planned Missions.
This is a free service to highlight existing locations, planned locations, and commercial activity.
Commercial Resources Registrations as a Service.
A Registration is not a right to ownership of the Lunar surface, it is a service agreement with LRR that the client has exclusive use of the exact area to conduct exploration and extraction.
Read about the Advantages of Lunar Resources Registration
How we Create New Registrations
Extensive analytical processing highlights precise locations, which can be purchased as Registrations on our platforms.
LRR can also assist in identifying appropriate Lunar resources technologies (e.g. In-situ resources utilization) and infrastructure providers.
Prospective Clients must have a corporate office and their business models (in the long-term) compatible with making fair-use of purchased Registrations.
If you would like to Create a New Registration, please contact us.
Why Make a Commercial Registration?
As the CisLunar ecosystem grows, there will be a demand for iron to build both Lunar and in-space infrastructure.
A Lunar Registration as a Service establishes a commercial precedent to explore and extract resources or build an infrastructure asset, this creates the initial framework on which to build a Lunar resources operations.
A Registration is also transferable and therefore tradeable, meaning the change in value, and price action (buy, sell, etc.) creates a vibrant form of price discovery that underpins investment decisions.
Can Anyone or Company Make a Commercial Registration?
No. All potential Registrants must have a corporate structure in place, be subject to KYC and AML screening, and must be able to provide a plan of how they plan to make fair use of their Registrations.
Read more about Space Resources and Mining the Moon.
Please visit our affiliates sites, such as:
Space Venture Investors, one of the core investors in Lunar Resources Registry.
Space Stocks and Space Funds and ETFs, which as the name suggests, is a website about Space Stocks and Space Funds, the goal is to be an informative research plaform for space investors.