Luna 29
Assumed Location: Southern Pole of the Moon Estimated Landing year: 2028Visit the Luna Glob website for information. Source: Roscosmos
Assumed Location: Southern Pole of the Moon Estimated Landing year: 2028Visit the Luna Glob website for information. Source: Roscosmos
Assumed Location: Southern Pole of the Moon Estimated Landing year: 2022Visit the Nova C website for information. Source: NASA
iSpace mission to Atlas Crater ended when the lander ran out of fuel, 80metres from its intended landing place.
Assumed Location: Shackleton Crater Estimated Landing year: 2022Visit the Masten Space System website for information. Source: Masten Space Systems
Assumed Location: Shackleton Crater Estimated Landing year: Q4 2023Visit the NASA website for information. Source: NASA
Assumed Location: Boguslawsky Crater Estimated Landing year: 01/10/2021Visit the Roscosmos website for information. Source: Roscosmos
Failure Update: The Peregrine Lander has had a malfunction and is set to burn up during reentry intin the Earth's atmosphere. See Space News. Update: New location for Astrobotic Peregrine…
Assumed Location: Mare Serenitatis Estimated Landing year: Q1 2022Visit the Intuitive Machines website for information. Source: Intuitive Machines
Assumed Location: Shackleton Crater Estimated Landing year: 2025Visit the ESA website for information.
Lunar Resources Registry and Lunar Station Partnership Registrations for Iron exploration and extraction via ISRU, and Infrastructure. Overview: Accessible Iron Locations that can be processed for In Situ Resources Utilisation.Target…