Our business is knowing what’s going on on the Moon and where resources can be located and extracted.
Public Registration Types…
The Lunar Resources Registry is an up to date registry and map for Space agencies, Science Missions, Policy makers, Non-Government Organisations and Commercial entities.
Register future activity on the surface of the moon. These include:
All Human Activity on the Moon
Actual Presence (USA, USSR / Russia, China) landers and rovers. These Registrations are FREE, and safety zones of 4km radius / 8km diameter are marked to ensure these areas are not to be interfered with.
Spacecraft Impact-sites from early exploration and recent failed missions. Some of these are potential hazard zones, having scatted debris from impacts of hardware.
Heritage areas, currently include manned Apollo Mission locations, safety zones of 5km radius / 10km diameter are marked to ensure these areas are not to be interfered with, in recognition of the US Congress “S.1694 – One Small Step to Protect Human Heritage in Space Act”. See link.
Planned Missions
Planned Missions (NASA, ESA, commercial CisLunar landers and rovers). This includes the planned locations for Landers (including space transport and logistics companies) to deliver payloads. This list is updated frequently as Mission concepts and launch manifests change. These Registrations are Free, and safety zones of 2 km radius / 4 km diameter are marked to ensure these areas are not to be interfered with.
Commercial Registraions
Resource Registrations: Lunar Resources Registry has developed a process for determining and registering resources on the Moon’s surface, starting with Iron, Titanium, Thorium, and Ice, to then focus on Platinum Group Metals, Rare Earth Elements, and Water (which can fulfull a resources and energy purpose).
Infrastructure Registrations: Locations that can support commercial and resources operations.
Development Zones: Lunar Resources Registry and selected partners create Development Zones where key resources are detected and the areas require further research. From Development Zones, LRR can create Resources Registrations.
Scientfic Registrations: Locations ideal for science, exploration and non-commercial infrastructure.
For Policy makers and Non-Government Organisations
As part of the Lunar Resources Registry development, we will be reaching out to policy makers, non-government organisations, and thought leaders to determine:
- How the LRR can support their objectives.
- Policies and frameworks for sustainable use of Lunar resources.
- Processes for Lunar governances, and how they can enhance the LRR.
- Locations that should be registered for Heritage, Cultural and Religious reasons e.g. Copernicus Crater
For more detailed information, read our Registry Guide.
Explore our Registrations by Categories:

Individual Registrations:
The following Registration can be viewed without a login:
Actual Landers and Impact sites, including:
Surveyor 1 Lander 1966, Apollo 11 Landing Module 1969, Luna 20 Lander and Sample Return 1972, Luna 21 Lunokhod 2 Rover, Apollo 17 Landing Module, ESA Smart-1 Impact Site, Chang’e 4 Lander, Chang’e 5 Sample Return, Chandrayaan-2 Lander Impact Site 2019, and the Beresheet Impact site.
Planned Missions. Who is going to the Moon and more importantly, where?
ESA Lunar Resources Lander, NASA CLPS PRISM-1A (2023) to Reiner Gamma, NASA CLPS PRISM-1B (2024) to Schroedinger Basin
Registrations for Conceptual Science Missions and Operations (2):
Science: The Ear – Far-Side Asteroid Observatory – Ideal also for a radio telescope.
Science: Bullseye – Near-Side Earth Observatory – Ideal for direct line of sight with Earth.
Registrations for Resources:
New Pilbara North – A Partnership Registration highlighting the detection of iron in ejecta. Including potential Registrations for Iron Resources, a refuse pit, and a port.
Our Registrations by Numbers:
- Actual Landers and Impact Sites: 72.
- Heritage Zones: 6. Currently, all Apollo crewed landing sites.
- Planned Landers: 24.
- Science Registrations: 2
- Development Zones (future commercial activity) ~20