Woolloomooloo Development Zone: Thorium and Rare Earth Metals
The Woolloomooloo Development Zone is located next to T. Mayer A crater - a T. Mayer satellite crater. It is situated within the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT) - the region…
The Woolloomooloo Development Zone is located next to T. Mayer A crater - a T. Mayer satellite crater. It is situated within the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT) - the region…
The Compton – Belkovich Thorium Zone is an isolated Thorium-rich area on the Th-poor terrain. It is located within the Compton – Belkovich Volcanic Complex on the far side of…
Lalande Thorium Development Zone is established in the territory of lunar highland crater Lalande, which is located on the near side of the Moon, southeast of Mare Insularum with a…
The Jansen Titanium and Iron Development Zone is established in the territory of lunar mare crater Jansen, which is located on the near side of the Moon, in the northern…
Refuse Site: Concept of using a crater for regolith post-processing.This Infrastructure registration compliments extraction operations.
The New Pilbara South region is one of seven regions on the Lunar surface rich in iron ore.Lunar Resources Registry (LRR) and Lunar Station Corporation are creating multiple Resources Registrations…
Lunar Resources Registry and Lunar Station Partnership Registrations for Infrastructure.
LifeShip is a space-time capsule program, with a mission to save and send humanity's DNA on spaceships, so we can leave our permanent record for future generations. LiferShip have two missions…